lenny the therapy dog at The B2W Group

Lenny the Therapy Dog

At The B2W Group, we celebrate and promote our core values through everything we do. We would like to introduce you to our official therapy dog, Lenny the cavachon!

Lenny promotes our visions and values by offering a caring environment for students, visitors and staff. He aids with the well-being and emotional support of people within our building and improves the overall environment. To learn more about our other visions and values, visit our ‘About Us’ page.

Lenny is owned by one of our Digital Marketing Officers, Jenn, who brings Lenny into the office Monday-Friday each week.

This one-year-old dog is registered as a therapy dog by Pets as Therapy.

Pets as Therapy meet with cats and dogs and their owners and undergo initial assessments to ensure the pet is suited to the job. Their aim is to bring happiness and pleasure to people of all ages. It is the largest scheme of its kind in Europe.

Pets as Therapy say that their therapeutic dog visits:

  • Enhance lives in our communities by providing companionship and friendship and helps to tackle loneliness.
  • Improve the lives of people suffering from debilitating mental and physical health conditions and illnesses such as Autism, Dementia and Stroke by including animal-assisted interventions as part of a holistic approach to treatment.
  • Improve literacy in children by developing their confidence, interest and enjoyment in reading through the read2dogs scheme.

Lenny has proven to be very popular in the workplace. He brings a smile to not only employees in our office but our students and visitors. Our students request to see Lenny during their breaks and he’ll sometimes visit the classroom to go and greet them first!

Bringing your dog into work is proven to be beneficial for a number of reasons, including increasing health and happiness, helping to lower stress, and promoting taking mental breaks.

Here’s a useful infographic to explain other benefits of having a dog at work:

DESIGN-15-Reasons-Why-You-Should-Allow-Dogs-in-the-Office (1)

Infographic: Headway Capital