

As a national training provider, at The B2W Group, it is our focus and mission to deliver the same high-quality training across all of our funding areas. Prior to 2020, our delivery was largely in-person focused, with face-to-face classrooms and a physical presence within the local communities. 

Part of our mission to have more impact within the regions we work in, we’re continuing to open local offices and employ local people across England.  Cambridge & Peterborough is the latest area of focus, as part of our localisation development, to ensure that we reach this goal.   

Associate Director for Employment Support Rachel Willoughby has been fundamental in setting up our new office and is committed to ensuring that we are embedded within the communities and deliver maximum benefit to the local residents. 

Rachel said: “Our new office at the Cambridge & Peterborough location will provide a central space for learners to come and meet with our teams, receive training and support and benefit from our specialist job search service.”


Our mission is to ensure that we support as many local residents as possible, helping them to learn new skills, increase their confidence and secure sustainable employment. Our specialist training and support across Cambridge and Peterborough includes Pre-Employment Training (24+) across specific sectors and also our (19-24) Re:Programme courses. 


Re: Programme is a tailor-made support programme, designed to help people to achieve new skills and provide opportunities for future employment or further training. The Re:Programme course includes a Digital Skills qualification focused on Games Design, Website Development and Social Media Marketing. 

Pre-Employment courses; 

Contact Centre 

Digital Skills 

Express Logistics 


Pre-Employment Training; 

Each year we support around 10,000 individuals throughout the UK. Helping individuals to improve their career prospects and find suitable employment. 

Our course have been designed to provide candidates with the essential knowledge and skills to successfully secure employment within their chosen area. 

Full guidance and support is provided throughout the course duration and candidates also receive 121 coaching and support to make sure they are fully prepared to progress into employment.