
As society becomes more digital, it’s never been more important to obtain key and relevant knowledge in all things digital to help advance your career. If you’re looking to kickstart a career in digital, or simply interested in gaining industry-standard skills and knowledge, our brand-new Rise 2 Digital offer is designed to give you a complete pathway to becoming a digital expert.

Florbela, from the North Tyne area, recently completed her Level 2 learning in Website Development and Digital Skills. In this short blog, Florbela shares details about her experience with us and her advice for anybody thinking of enrolling on this course.

Flobela's Story

Our Website Development and Digital Skills pathway is designed to help learners gain the key skills and knowledge in various digital areas, including cybersecurity and computer programming, something that Florbela was keen on learning more about.

“I wanted to learn more about IT in general, and I also know that many employers are looking for candidates with knowledge in areas such as cyber security, so this course was ideal for me.”

Hands-On Tutoring

At B2W we pride ourselves on the standard of our tutors, with each of them creating a positive and inclusive environment for our learners to thrive. This was an area that Florbela highlighted as a main area of enjoyment throughout her course.

“My tutor (Brian) was fantastic. He supported everyone and was determined to get everyone to the same level throughout the course.”

“I enjoyed every day that I spent learning on the course.”

Advice To Others

When starting any new venture, any advice you can get before you start can be invaluable.

This is no different for our training courses, and there’s no better advice to receive than from our alumni of learners, who have experienced the course from enrolment through to completion.

Here’s what Florbela had to say…

“If you’re doubting yourself, I promise you’ll prove yourself wrong. Everyone is treated fairly, and you’ll feel more confident about yourself by the end of the course. Just go for it!”

After gaining confidence from her course, Florbela plans to move into a remote employment role within either customer services or administration.

From everyone at B2W, we wish Florbela all the best in her future career.

From all of us at B2W, we wish Karri all the best in his future learning and digital career!

Sign Up To Our Rise 2 Digital Programme!

Kickstart a new career in digital by signing up to our complete learning programme – Rise 2 Digital.

Whether you already have some experience in digital and wish to focus on a particular subject of interest, or you want to learn the basics and fundamentals, then Rise 2 Digital can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need.