Let’s start talking about mental health at work.

For Time to Talk Day on 4 February, we’re encouraging everyone to talk about mental health.

Too often, mental health problems are treated as a taboo subject – something not to be talked about, especially at work. However, mental health affects us all and we should feel able to talk about it.

The more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down – helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us feel when experiencing a mental health problem.

One in four of us will experience a mental health problem and 9 in 10 say they have faced negative treatment from others as a result. By choosing to be open about mental health, we are all part of a movement that’s changing the conversation around mental health and ensuring that no one is made to feel isolated or alone for having a mental health problem.

As part of our ongoing commitment to this, we are supporting Time to Talk Day on Thursday 4 February – a day when everyone is encouraged to have a conversation about mental health.

The B2W Group wants to help end the stigma around talking about mental health and give all of our employees the chance to speak to the correct people when they need it. 

We know that the past 12 months have been extremely difficult and so different for everyone, and people who may not have suffered before are finding themselves struggling with low moods and anxiety. Our usual coping mechanisms may no longer be accessible but there’s always going to be someone to listen to what’s going on. Whether it be a family member, a friend, a colleague or a professional. You are not alone in your struggle. 

The B2W Group wants everyone who works here to feel they can be open about their mental health, and ask for support if they need it. Our Safeguarding team is dedicated to keeping our staff and learners safe from any harm, and this includes mental health problems. 

Our safeguarding team can be contacted at any point on [email protected]

You can find a full list of mental health support lines in the UK here

We also have articles that have been published in the past which may help give you tips and advice for coping in a range of different situations.

Self care tips to improve your wellbeing

Tips to reduce stress

Managing your mental health during lockdown

Effective ways to keep morale and productivity high whilst working from home

Improving your employees wellbeing

Ways to reduce stress in the workplace

Knowing when it’s time to take a break