Bringing in fresh talent and upskilling your existing workforce is key to success, and The B2W Group is here to support you in achieving it.
Our wide range of apprenticeships, pre-employment training options and skills bootcamps are designed to help you to both bring in hungry, fresh and entry-level talent with the skills that may be lacking in your business.
They also provide upskilling opportunities for your existing workforce with accredited qualifications from Level 3 through to Level 7.
These programmes will engage your workforce, enhance quality, reduce costs, and boost profitability.
They are also designed to meet any pre-agreed strategic targets in line with your priority areas, with progress constantly reviewed to ensure positive outcomes.
Many businesses lack the skills or time to implement and sustain necessary improvements within their teams.
Our team will collaborate with you to identify how our training solutions can align with and inform your business strategy, removing any existing barriers to success.
Essentially, we will become your business’s training arm.
The training programmes we offer are designed to meet any pre-agreed strategic targets in line with your priority areas, with progress constantly reviewed to ensure positive outcomes.
The B2W Group has a fresh approach to transforming businesses by up-skilling their current staff or bringing an apprentice into the business to add a dynamic and dedicated individual to the team. All of our courses are available through various streams of government funding so are a cost-effective way to provide high-quality training within the workplace.
Registered office in England and Wales, No:07559200
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