Saul Muscat – GDPR Officer
“After teaching abroad for a number of years, I joined the B2W Group in Feb 2017 as an Enrolment Officer and have since worked in a few various roles within the company. When asked if I would like the opportunity to be trained as a Data Protection Officer, I jumped at the chance as I have always been fascinated by technology and digital security.”
Download our Privacy Policy here: Privacy Notice 2023
Download our Supply Chain Subcontractor Policy here: Supply Chain Subcontractor Policy 2022
Please note that B2W have a Complaints procedure and if you need to complain about the way any request you have made in relation to your personal data has not been handled appropriately you can use our Complaints procedure to help resolve this issue. Please ask for a copy of our complaints procedure.
If you feel we have been unable, or unwilling, to resolve your information rights concern, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
The ICO are the supervisory authority responsible for data protection in the UK.
For further information, including independent data protection advice and information in relation to your rights, you can contact the Information Commissioner at:
Postal Address:
The Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire,
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
You can also report at concern here –
The B2W Group has a fresh approach to transforming businesses by up-skilling their current staff or bringing an apprentice into the business to add a dynamic and dedicated individual to the team. All of our courses are available through various streams of government funding so are a cost-effective way to provide high-quality training within the workplace.
Registered office in England and Wales, No:07559200
© 2020, The B2W Group, All Rights Reserved.