

The B2W Group offer a free recruitment service when hiring an apprentice. We want to ensure that the process is as easy and smooth as possible from start to finish. This means that you will save time and money and you can focus on your everyday job whilst we find you the perfect candidate based on your recruitment needs and requirements.




Initial Call​

We will set up a call for you to speak with one of our Business Advisors who will provide you with further information and will complete a fact find to gain a better understanding of your personal requirements. This will give you the opportunity to express your needs and expectations of your new apprentice. The B2W Group can use this information to find the most suitable candidates for your role.

Advertising The RolE

Once we have a great understanding of the type of candidate you are searching for, we will advertise the job description and person specification online using various job boards and social media platforms.



The Candidates​

Once we have received and reviewed the applicants CVs, we will filter the candidates by screening and vetting them to ensure they are the right fit for your role. This will initially be done over the telephone where we will ask them qualifying questions and ensure that they meet the minimum requirements and criteria before inviting them in for a registration day.

Registration Day​

After the applicant screening process, we will invite the candidates in for a registration day. During this, we will:

  • Complete a BKSB initial assessment (testing their Maths, English and IT skills)
  • Find out what the candidate is looking for in the role
  • Complete a 1-1 to ensure that the candidate matches the person specification
  • Provide them with details of the job descriptions to match accordingly to vacancies
  • Filter through any unsuitable candidates



Employer Submission

The B2W Group will submit the final CVs of any suitable candidates for the employer to decide whether they would like to interview the candidate. If the employer is happy to move forward with the candidates, we will arrange the interviews and ensure all candidates are confirmed.


We will send a range of candidates for the employer to interview and ensure that we prep all candidates prior to them attending the interview. This includes interview techniques, knowledge of the role and ensuring they complete their own research. Once the interview stage is completed, we will provide and give any feedback as to whether they are successful or unsuccessful. If they are successful, we will send them an offer letter, confirm the start date for their new role and book in a date to get them signed on to the qualification.


programme Timeline

The Digital Marketer Apprenticeship is completed over a 15-month period. During the 18 months you will receive monthly visits from your assigned skills coach for progress tracking, advice and guidance and preparation for End Point Assessment (EPA). 

Induction and Initial Assessments

The initial assessment compromises of Maths, English and ICT tests so we know whether to offer additional support.


20 classroom sessions that are to be completed within the first 12 months of the programme. These will be delivered in 4 day blocks.

Gateway to End Point Assessment

The learner is prepared for End Point Assessment.
This will involve the learner and employer working closely with their skills coach during monthly visits to ensure all requirements have been met.

End Point

During the last 3 months of the programme, the learner will go through EPA. This consists of four stages:
Summative Portfolio
Synoptic Project
Employer Reference

The learner will be graded Pass, Merit or Distinction.


Apprenticeship funding

If your annual payroll is less than £3million, the employer will be expected to pay 5% of the total cost of the Apprenticeship. The rest will be Government funded. This cost can be paid in full straight away, or over a duration of time.

The Digital Marketer qualification is worth £11000, a contribution of £550 would be made over the duration of the 15-month programme.

Levy payers

Levy paying employers will access their apprenticeship training and assessment via their online Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) account.

Employers will use their DAS account to set up the apprenticeship programmes and listing the chosen employees with B2W Group (Back 2 Work Complete Training) as the training provider and pay for their apprenticeship training in monthly instalments.

Want to know more?

info@b2wgroup.com   •   0161 474 7603