
As society becomes more digital, it’s never been more important to gain key and relevant knowledge in all things digital to help advance your career.

If you’re looking to kickstart a career in digital, or simply interested in gaining industry-standard skills and knowledge, our Digital Bytesize course is here to help you take your first steps, with three pathways to choose from.

One learner who recently completed our Digital and IT Skills pathway is Amber Gintare Aleknaite from Guildford.

In this short blog, Amber discusses her experience on the course, and why you should consider joining her and hundreds of others in improving your digital skills.

Amber's Story

Amber had recently completed a bootcamp and saw this course as an ideal opportunity to further her skillset and overall understanding in areas such as website management and cyber security.

Throughout her time on the course, she was able to complete various tasks in all areas of digital and IT, highlighting her enjoyment as she progressed to completion.

“I really enjoyed creating logos, leaflets and designing my own website. It was also interesting to also have an introduction to networking on the course.”

Tutor Support & Collaboration

In addition to finding out the content that our learners enjoyed on their course, we also like to find out why the course was beneficial to them, and how it has helped develop their skills on both a professional and personal level.

Amber reflected on this and highlighted how the course and the qualifications she achieved has helped to kickstart her career.

“The course really helped me to get back into a routine. The information and materials were also good, with a brilliant tutor providing useful guidance throughout.

“Networking with other people and getting three qualifications that I can add to my CV was also ideal for my career progression.”

When starting any new venture, any advice before you begin can be invaluable.

This is no different for our training courses, and there’s no better help than from our alumni of learners, who have experienced the course from enrolment through to completion.

Here’s what Amber had to say:

“Just do it! Be a part of it, try to do your own research, listen to others, and express your own opinions.

"Also, don't be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they are silly. Everyone is friendly and no one’s here to judge you or your level of understanding.”

New Skills, New Job!

We are happy to share that, since completing the course, Amber has used her newly acquired knowledge and qualifications to find full time employment as a Vehicle Administration Manager, which will require the digital and IT skills she learnt throughout the course.

From everyone at B2W, we wish Amber all the best in her new role and future career!

Sign Up To Our Digital & IT Skills Pathway

Gain a Level 2 Diploma in Digital & IT Skills by completing this pathway as part of our Digital Bytesize course and kickstart your digital career!

If you want to join Amber and hundreds of others in completing this course, please visit our Digital Bytesize page to find out more and sign up.