
Looking for a creative career, but don’t know where to start? Then Digital Bytesize could be the solution for you. Part of the Digital Bytesize is the Creative Skills pathway for people with an interest in website design & development, video games design, programming, and digital projects.

But what are creative skills and why are they useful?

Creativity allows you to think and act in new or different ways with certain tasks and problems and the ability to use your imagination to generate new, innovative ideas. This bursting opportunity helps you to enhance your creative skills and take them to the next level within your digital career- specifically when focussing on website design, games design development, and programming.

Website Design: within website design, you will need and enhance the skills of creativity, analytical thinking, and technical ability. This is not only important within website design, but the listed skills are also essential within nearly all sectors of work such as teaching and other fields –  in this pathway you will learn skills that are useful in most careers.

Game Development: although a niche industry, games development teaches the ability to design, document and communicate your ideas and turn them into finished projects. You can apply your game design skills to a range of design challenges, both within the games industry and in other industries where these skills are desirable.

Programming: with this skill set, you will acquire transferrable skills across statistical analysis and problem solving. You will also learn writing discipline, teamwork, and communication, all of which are important again as most of them are in the top 10 most employable qualities.

All these skills are extremely important when thinking about your next step into a creative, digital career as you will need to think and act independently within this sector of work and offer your own interesting and innovative ideas and designs.

What is the Digital Bytesize?

Digital Bytesize is a 3-week course for young people who are 19+, unemployed, and not in government-funded education. Whether your interests lie in digital marketing & social media, games design, video & photo editing, or IT & cyber security, there is something for everyone! Let the Digital Bytesize course help drive you to your digital destination.

The creative skills pathway:

Within this exciting opportunity are 3 different pathways: digital technologies, creative skills pathway and cyber security. Let’s dive into the creative skills pathway. This is for people who specifically have an interest in website design & development, video games design, programming, and digital projects. The opportunity of the creative skills pathway is immense; from learning about the creative industries and website design to digital and IT skills – with the completion of this course you can progress onto a Level 3 apprenticeship or move into full-time employment in the digital world.

To see our courses and find out more click here – Cyber Security Short Course UK | Software Development Short Courses | Data Technician Courses | B2W Group