
Mohamed Suleiman

Today we spoke with Mohamed Suleiman who has recently completed our Building Futures programme; we asked him some questions about why he started the programme and about his future plans after completion.

Building Futures is a tailor-made online support programme, designed to help learners to achieve new skills and provide opportunities for future employment or further training.

You will have access to:

  • New digital skills and qualifications focused on games designwebsite developmentprogramming, and cyber security
  • Gain support moving onto higher learning or employment
  • Employability training and interview skills
  • A dedicated keyworker to help you to achieve your goals
  • Wellbeing support

What challenges were you facing before the course and why did you choose to start it?

I didn’t know if IT was the field I wanted to pursue for certain.

How has the programme improved your career prospects?

It gave me confidence and helped me realise IT is what I enjoy doing.

What other benefits have you experienced as a result of the course/programme?  (personal development, health – physical or mental, social)

I felt confused beforehand but after so much support and help with figuring out if it was the right path for me, I felt a lot better about the career I want to pursue.

Have you achieved career progression or started a new role as a result? If so, where?

Not currently, but I have been researching and talking to people about apprenticeships and skills bootcamps.

To learn more about how our Building Futures programme is supporting local communities, visit https://b2wgroup.com/building-futures/ or email [email protected] to get involved.