
We are delighted to have been awarded the “Good Work Pledge” by the North East Combined Authority.

The Good Work Pledge is designed to recognise commitment and practice already taking place in the Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland area, with The B2W Group among other employers in this area demonstrating some key pillars that represent the pledge.

Key Pillars

As part of this recognition, the Group was confirmed as meeting the five key pillars that led to the award of the Good Work Pledge, which are:

Valuing & Rewarding Your Workforce

1. Pay a fair and decent wage, including achievement or commitment to pay the Real Living Wage to employees and those within their supply chains.

2. Provide additional benefits to workers (e.g. flexible working, discount schemes etc).

3. Value and promote job security and job fulfilment amongst workers.

4. Have a zero-tolerance on exploitative employment practices with employment policies and practices that protect worker’s rights.

Promoting Health & Wellbeing

1. Provide a safe and healthy working environment.

2. Provide health and safety training and representation for all staff.

3. Providing opportunities for workers to develop healthy lifestyles (including mental health, resilience).

4. Effective practices in supporting people with health conditions and disabilities to maintain and progress their employment within their organisation.

Effective Communications & Representation

1. Value and listen to employees.

2. Ensure employees have autonomy and a voice in the running of the business.

3. Inclusive practice that allows better access to work and progression and fairness in rights and conditions for all workers.

4. Promote fairness and trust across all levels of their organisation/business.

Developing a Balanced Workforce

1. Invest in training and developing the skills of the workforce to provide progression.

2. Provide high-quality apprenticeships that promote employment in priority sectors.

3. Invest in the future workforce by engaging with education providers, providing early opportunities for work experience and quality apprenticeships.

4. Low skilled workers have opportunities to progress.

5. Have a clear vision, values, strategies, and policies and processes that promote inclusiveness, health and wellbeing, equality and diversity and workforce development.

Social Responsibility

1. Demonstrate social responsibility through effective procurement and contracting policies and practices, buying locally, and paying suppliers on time.

2. Connect with customers in the local community.

3. Promote personal social responsibility; supporting workers to undertake community projects and volunteering that enables them to contribute to society and the economy.

4. Have a clear commitment to sustainability including a reduction in carbon footprint and policies that protect the environment.

Our work in the North East

We’re proud of our continued relationship with the North East Combined Authority, working to support local residents back into work through the pre-employment training courses we run via Back2Work Complete Training.

We also run regular HR Skills Bootcamps provided by BePro, as well as digital and IT skills courses and skills bootcamps by Just IT.

Back2Work Complete Training is also delivering key employment support across the North East via our Works4U team, who provide employability support to break down some of the common barriers that local unemployed residents face which prevent them from getting into sustained employment.

About the North East Combined Authority

The North East Combined Authority (North East CA) is led by an Elected Mayor and Cabinet and covers a region of approximately 2 million people across the seven local authority areas of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside, and Sunderland.