
Our Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Management course is designed to help you prepare for managerial roles, by introducing you to the key responsibilities that come with management.

This includes learning about your own self development, as well as the fundamentals of objective setting, communicating to support teams and conflict resolution.

One learner who recently completed the course is Emily-Niamh Ryan from Altringham in Greater Manchester.

Emily's Story

Emily was keen to learn more about managerial styles and techniques to help advance her career, but lacked motivation to self-study as she admitted she doesn’t particularly enjoy independent learning.

After coming across our fully-funded Level 3 course in Principles of Management, Emily decided to enrol after learning that the course was delivered 100% online in a virtual classroom.

She told us how she enjoyed the group-study aspect of her learning, and how it enhanced her overall enjoyment of the course.

"I prefer learning socially and B2W is one of the only places to offer this kind of support. I really enjoyed being amongst other people and having a tutor to refer to for help. I usually study independently which I don't particularly enjoy, so this worked really well for me. "

Striving For More & Advice To Others

When asked about her overall experience on the course, Emily explained how the group discussions and the use of the online whiteboards made each unit enjoyable for her.

"We did a lot of interactive whiteboards together as a group which were really fun, where we could see and collaborate with each other in real time."

She also told us how she’s recommended our online training courses to her friends and offered some advice to those thinking of enrolling in the near future.

"I have told friends about B2W. It's a great company doing good things for people like me who want to learn and improve. I plan on staying in the games industry, but I'm now striving for a management role. I'm feeling very confident about progressing in my career.

"For those about to start a course, I'd recommend getting access to a PC or a laptop, as it's a lot easier than having to use your phone."

Congratulations again Emily, and good luck in your future career!

Interested in a Higher Level Skills course?

Our range of Level 3 courses include Principles of Management, Social Media for E-Commerce, Understanding Autism, Principles of Special Educational Needs and Networking & Cybersecurity, with an accredited Level 3 certificate issued on completion.

Visit our Higher Level Skills page for more information on each of the Level 3 courses we have available.

The B2W Group has a fresh approach to transforming businesses by up-skilling their current staff or bringing an apprentice into the business to add a dynamic and dedicated individual to the team. All of our courses are available through various streams of government funding so are a cost-effective way to provide high-quality training within the workplace.

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