Voice Search Infographic


Voice search is becoming a more common occurrence, especially with many households purchasing virtual assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant.

Here are just a few facts and statistics surrounding voice search displayed as an infographic.


voice search virtual assistant statistics




Source of the Facts and Statistics


Apple, Google, Xiaomi, Amazon, and other manufacturers collectively shipped 16.8 million units in Q1 of 2018. Canalys


58% of regular users manage shopping lists on a weekly basis using their voice-activated speakers. Think with Google


55% of teenagers are using voice search daily basis. Citrusbits


“Customers use Amazon Echo for many purposes, with one-third using it as an information provider responding to questions and over 40% as an audio speaker for listening to streaming music.” according to CIRP.


72% of people who own a voice-activated speaker say their devices are often used as part of their daily routine.” via Think with Google


“52% of people keep their voice-activated speaker in their common room (e.g family or living room), 25% in the bedroom and 22% in their kitchen” via Think with Google